Sometimes a sports injury or household fall can impact the mouth causing significant trauma to teeth, gums, and other oral tissues. Even if you don’t notice any overt damage to a tooth’s enamel layer, you might still experience significant pain in the root or core structures of the tooth. This could mean that the damage to the tooth is inside the root structure beneath the gumline or that inflammation has set into the area distressing the tooth.
In a situation like this, the wisest course of action is to seek emergency treatment professionally trained dentist like Dr. Sara Sheikh and Dr. Muhammad Ali Shazib. Without timely treatment, the distressed tooth could be at increased risk of suffering additional complications.
If you need help with pain management while you await your appointment, you might find a moderate relief by rubbing the surrounding gums with a topical oral analgesic or by taking a single standard dose of an over the counter pain medication.
Once our dentists thoroughly examined the tooth, they can help you understand the most viable treatment options. In many of these cases, the traumatized tooth needs a root canal to remove the tooth’s enamel layer, as well as excise traumatized dental tissues. Then we will rebuild the internal structure of the tooth in preparation for a dental crown restoration.
If you live in the Kennebunk, Maine, area and you have just suffered a significant dental trauma, you should call 207-985-7944 to have it examined and treated at Kennebunk Center for Dentistry’s dental offices.